Ash Bhat
I’m a 27 year old engineer and entepreneur.

I grew up in the Bay Area, studied at UC Berkeley, and work on software for health care. I most recently built, launched, and led the Electronic Health Records team at Commure Inc.

I previously was the CEO of RoBhat Labs, a venture backed company that focused on information products like Worldly Maps, Command Browser, and

As a kid, I grew up writing code as a hackathon hacker and debating global policy as a Model United Nations delegate.

In college, I worked on raising public awareness around bots on social media and political propaganda on the internet.

In my professional life, I built a venture backed company that empowers consumers to think critically about the information they consume.

This has involved building a web browser, a social network, and building a news network with 750K+ followers across TikTok and Instagram.

In 2024 – my company was acquihired by Commure Inc. where I now work on special projects.

My responsibilities have required me to do many things and I pride myself on doing them well.